Panoramic Tour

Please note that from 20 January to 14 February 2025, the Historisches Grünes Gewölbe and from 3 February to 14 February 2025 the Royal Palace including its museums (Neues Grünes Gewölbe, Kupferstich-Kabinett, Münzkabinett, Rüstkammer) will remain closed.

New Green Vault

According to the historical inventory, there are as many as 185 faces carved into the cherry stone. And while, by the last count, the pip has only 113 faces, it remains one of the Neues Grünes Gewölbe’s most fascinating attractions. When describing the holdings of the Neues Grünes Gewölbe, one superlative follows the next: The largest green diamond ever found is exhibited here. 

  • Opening Hours daily 10—17, Dienstag closed
    03/02/2025 — 14/02/2025  closed

    Please note that the museums in the Royal Palace (Neues Grünes Gewölbe, Kupferstich-Kabinett, Münzkabinett, Rüstkammer) will be closed from 03.02. – 14.02.2025. The Historic Green Vault will be closed from 20.01. - 14.02.2025.

  • Admission Fees normal 16 €, reduced 12 €, under 17 free, Groups (10 persons and more) 14,50 €
Book online


And the collection’s showpiece, representing the lavish birthday celebrations of Mogul emperor Aurangzeb, who ruled over rich India with absolute power, is studded with no less than 5120 diamonds, 160 rubies, 164 emeralds, one sapphire, 16 pearls and two cameos. The court jeweller Johann Melchior Dinglinger and his aides worked for more than six years, beginning in 1701, to create the greatest work of European jewellery art.

Herrscher auf Thron in Zimmer aus Juwelen und Gold, Gefolgsleute in Reihen vor ihm
© SKD, Foto: Jürgen Lösel
Der Thron des Großmoguls Aureng-Zeb (Detail), Johann Melchior Dinglinger, 1701 - 1708

While in the Historisches Grünes Gewölbe

While in the Historisches Grünes Gewölbe, works of treasury art merge with the unique interior design to form a Baroque Gesamtkunstwerk, at the Neues Grünes Gewölbe – just one storey up – the focus is on approximately 1000 individual exhibits, some of which were only included in the collection following the death of August the Strong. Fascinating objects of gold, silver, enamel, precious stone, ivory, coconut shell and ostrich eggshell are shown in non-reflective glass cabinets, radiant thanks to state-of-the-art lighting – a presentation that sets a new benchmark internationally.

Zwei Erwachsene und ein Kind betrachten ein Objekt
© SKD, Foto: David Pinzer
Neues Grünes Gewölbe

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