Heinrich Taddel, Steinkabinett, 1764-1775
© Grünes Gewölbe, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Foto: Paul Kuchel

"...the beauty of the whole world".

Heinrich Taddel and his Stone Cabinet in the Green Vault

In celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Green Vault, magnificent stones are the focus of an exhibition that presents the results of a six-year cooperation with the TU Bergakademie Freiberg. The focus is on a previously largely unnoticed artist and his key work: the goldsmith and privy chamberlain Heinrich Taddel (1714 – 1794) with his unique stone cabinet, originally consisting of 214 slabs of gemstones mainly from Saxony, but also from all over the world.

  • DATES 23/06/2023—09/10/2023

Viele der Gesteinsproben

The focus of the interdisciplinary research project was not only the exact mineralogical determination of the individual stones and their geological origin, but also the comparison with material from the historical holdings of Saxon mineralogical collections. As it turns out, many of Taddel’s stone samples later came into the possession of the court jeweller Johann Christian Neuber (1736 – 1808) and were used in his works of art. After Neuber’s financial bankruptcy in 1794, many pieces went to the mineral depository of the Freiberg Mining Academy and from there to the collections compiled by the co-founder of mineralogy Abraham Gottlob Werner (1749 – 1817). Others were preserved in various private collections and then came to the Dresden Mineral Cabinet. In comparison with Taddel's stone cabinet, it has been possible to identify previously unnoticed museum objects and to reunite pieces that were once cut and made from the same stone samples after more than 200 years.

Täfelchen mit Gesteinsproben
© Grünes Gewölbe, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Foto: Michael Wagner
Auswahl von Steintafeln aus dem Taddelschen Steinkabinett


Die Ausstellung

This exhibition makes complex collaborative research transparent and opens up questions in both the natural sciences and the humanities. The aesthetic pleasure and sensual perception are not neglected either: thanks to microscopic observation, the amazing diversity and colourfulness of the stones is made visible.



Currently no dates


Publication accompanying the exhibition

„…die Schönheit der ganzen Welt“. Heinrich Taddel und sein Steinkabinett im Grünen Gewölbe

Hrsg.: Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden und Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Gerhard Heide, Ulf Kempe, Michael Wagner und Marius Winzeler unter Mitarbeit von Meghan McNamee, ca. 244 Seiten, voraussichtliches Erscheinungsdatum: Mitte Juni 2023, ISBN 978-3-95498-751-1

Bild eines Steinkabinetts


Im Rahmen des Jubiläums 300 Jahre Grünes Gewölbe 2023–2029

300 Jahre Grünes Gewölbe


Further Exhibitions

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