Große Musik- und Tanzaufführung für den Mogulherrscher Muhammad Akbar II.
© SKD, Foto: Klut/Estel

The other Grand Mughal

The Kunstgewerbemuseum guesting at Neues Grünes Gewölbe

The Indian ivory miniatures on display in the Sponsel Room at the Neues Grünes Gewölbe - in the immediate vicinity of Dinglinger's "Throne of the Great Mogul Aurangzeb" - focus on the Mughal ruler Akbar II. (r. 1806-1837), a descendant of Aurangzeb and the Sikh ruler Ranjit Singh (r. 1797-1839), known as the "Lion of Punjab", flanked by further figures and scenes.

  • DATES 21/03/2020—04/10/2020

[Translate to English:] Ergänzende Miniaturmalereien

Complementary miniature paintings show exemplary two-dimensional models of the motifs converted into three-dimensions and at the same time, through the female figures depicted, broaden the view of the "female side" of the prosperous life in Indian society at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th century.

Despite their miniature-like size, the figures depict the facial features of the persons, the clothing fashion with the corresponding accessories and scenes of the courtly life of Muslim princes of Northern India with almost documentary accuracy. They thus form a charming and exciting contrast to Johann Melchior Dinglinger's cabinet piece for August the Strong and invite the visitor to take a closer look and make comparisons.

Große Musik- und Tanzaufführung für den Mogulherrscher Muhammad Akbar II.
© SKD, Foto: Klut/Estel
Große Musik- und Tanzaufführung für den Mogulherrscher Muhammad Akbar II. Elfenbein geschnitzt, bemalt und vergoldet, Teakholz; Podest: Breite 30,1 cm, Tiefe 22,7 cm; Figuren: Höhe ca. 6,5 cm Delhi; 1. Hälfte 19. Jh.

[Translate to English:] Der Großteil

Most of the collection comes from the estate of a British official who served as a lieutenant general in the East India Company. They are excellent examples of the "Delhi Renaissance" and are part of the tradition of Indian ivory processing that has been cultivated uninterruptedly for 4,000 years.

[Translate to English:] weitere

Further Exhibitions
12/06/2020 —14/09/2020
Die Schwarz-Weiß-Fotografie einer tanzenden Frau.


in Residenzschloss

Münzen, Medaillen und Orden

Electoral Wardrobe

in Residenzschloss

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