© Grünes Gewölbe, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden; Foto: Jürgen Karpinski

AUGEN—BLICKE. Baroque Ivories in Dialogue with Other Works of Art (Part 2)

In the Sponsel Room at the Neues Grünes Gewölbe, in Dresden's Residenzschloss (Royal Palace), an exclusive, intimate exhibition awaits visitors. Almost exactly one year after the first part of the exhibition, entitled "AN-SICHTEN" (points of view), the focus is again on ivories from the Grünes Gewölbe, and on encouraging a "dialogue" between the different types and genres.

  • DATES 13/10/2018—13/01/2019

[Translate to English:] Elfenbeinkunst

Baroque festivities, the power of love, the magic of commedia dell'arte, and even the Dresden court fools Hante and Fröhlich are brought to life in statuettes and reliefs made of ivory, terracotta and Meissen porcelain, or in the drawings and prints inspiring them. Likenesses and portraits in the form of paintings, copperplate etchings, images on medals, busts or reliefs made of ivory, terracotta or Böttger stoneware give the exhibition its elegant charm.

Jacques Callot, from the series "Les Bohémiens", probably 1621 or 1621-1625, etching, Inv. No. A 5902
© Kupferstich-Kabinett, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden; Foto: Andreas Diesend
Jacques Callot, from the series "Les Bohémiens", probably 1621 or 1621-1625, etching, Inv. No. A 5902

[Translate to English:] Bild

Cleverly, artistically captured "AUGEN-BLICKE" (moments) await the viewer's keen gaze. Though most of the ivories are from the first half of the eighteenth century, the earliest dates to 1691/92 and the most recent to c. 1764. Items are coming on loan from various museums of the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Schloss Moritzburg and museums in Hamburg, Schwerin, Berlin, Braunschweig, Stuttgart, Hannover, Kassel and Nuremberg.

ivory group: probably a Dresden artist, jewellery work: probably Johann Christoph Neßler, Dresden, c. 1710-1715
© Grünes Gewölbe, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden; Foto: Jürgen Karpinski
ivory group: probably a Dresden artist, jewellery work: probably Johann Christoph Neßler, Dresden, c. 1710-1715

[Translate to English:] Text

The exhibition will feature ivories by Balthasar Permoser, Paul Heermann, Carl A. Lücke the Elder/Younger and Johann Christoph Ludwig Lücke, figural porcelain pieces by Kaendler and Reinicke, paintings by Ismael Mengs and Johann Georg Dathan, graphic art by Jacques Callot, and drawings by Samuel Mock and Ernst Hassebrauk.


Public Programme of Accompanying Events

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AUGEN-BLICKE. Barocke Elfenbeinkunst im Dialog der Künste

Herausgeber: Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden; Jutta Kappel (19,90 €, Sandstein Verlag, ISBN 978-3-95498-430-5)


AN-SICHTEN. Barocke Elfenbeinkunst im Dialog der Künste

Herausgeber: Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden; Jutta Kappel (19 €, Sandstein Verlag, ISBN 978-3-95498-344-5)

Seitenansicht eines Kopfes aus Elfenbein

Elfenbeinkunst im Grünen Gewölbe zu Dresden

Geschichte einer Sammlung. Statuetten, Figurengruppen, Reliefs, Gefäße, Varia (78,00 €, ISBN 978-3-95498-226-4)

Partner and Sponsor


Logo Sparkasse

Further Exhibitions

Further Exhibitions

Turkish Chamber

in Residenzschloss

großes, aufwendig gemustertes Zelt
12/10/2017 —21/01/2018


in Residenzschloss

On the Way to Electoral Power

in Residenzschloss

aufwendig mit Edelsteinen verzierte Kopfbedeckung, darauf Engel und Heilige
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